Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jaiku as an RSS aggregator

This is a really neat idea. When I was in Hitchin with Jill and Beth, we were looking at ways for learners to access feeds easily within college. I suggested that Jaiku could be used in this way. So Jill added a couple of feeds, one from the BBC (an Asian soap) and one from her Gabcast and voila! The learners have a one-stop shop for accessing the latest episodes of podcasts. Love it. James Clay, Dave Sugden, Lisa Valentine and all in our Jaiku online village use this method for pulling in photos, blogs etc but to see it being used so purposefully in a curriculum setting makes me want to weep with joy.

1 comment:

David Sugden said...

Hi Lils,

Can I come in here with a non-related but still apt comment about Nintendo Wii?

I as at a college this week where they are planning to use the Wii with (bad) behavioural students. Instead of blowing up - the learners will be directed to the Boxing Wii (or similar) to re-channel their anger/frustration (the usual tactic is "walk it off" - and sometimes they do - for the rest of the day).

Like you, weeping for joy at the Jaiku RSS feeds, I felt a deep sense of joy at this simple measure.

